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  • theopenmindedblogger 6:21 pm on September 1, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Why Stress Management Is Important 

    Stress is the underlying cause of many illnesses, both
    major and minor. Physicians and mental health experts
    agree that stress reduction techniques can prevent
    many illnesses, and disorders, as well as increase a
    patient’s ability to heal following the development of
    a variety of health problems.

    The human response to stress is triggered within the
    brain, producing chemical and physical changes
    throughout the body, which affect every aspect of it’s

    During times of intense stress the brain’s production
    of such chemicals as Dopamine, Epinephrine, and
    Norepinephrine increase, causing the distribution of
    larger amounts of these Catecholamines throughout the

    The increase of the presence of these chemicals
    produces physiological changes such as increased heart
    rate, and blood pressure, increased cell reproduction,
    and suppression of the immune system.

    Over time, unmanaged stress can lead to the
    development of ulcers and other digestive problems,
    heart disease, even heart attack and stroke.

    The immune’s systems ability to fight off infection
    and disease is inhibited, allowing for the onset of
    various illnesses and viral infections. Additionally,
    the development of chronic conditions such as Diabetes
    and Asthma, have been linked to stress.

    Stress is also related to many mental and emotional
    disorders, such as Depression, Anxiety, extreme
    Phobias, and panic attacks. The “Fight or Flight”
    instinct triggered by the brain during times of
    extreme stress is also related to the on-set of these
    chronic mental health conditions.

    Learning to manage stress in healthy ways can help
    reduce the chemical changes occurring within the brain
    and body, thereby improving both physical and mental

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
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  • theopenmindedblogger 5:54 pm on August 31, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Who Can Benefit From Stress Management 

    Everyone, regardless of who they are or what they do,
    can benefit by having some plan in place for the
    on-going management of stress. The common myth, that
    unhealthy stress and the need for appropriate
    management of that stress, is primarily reserved for
    those who work in the most stressful environments.

    High powered executives and those who are in positions
    which carry a heavy amount of responsibility are only
    a small portion of the population who could benefit
    from a stress management program.

    Let’s face, stress is a part of everyone’s life.
    Whether you are a high powered executive, or a stay at
    home mother, situations are sure to arise in which the
    stress of your individual life will increase,
    affecting the way you feel, think and act. Having
    healthy way of coping with stress can make a
    difference to overall state of well-being.

    Doctors, lawyers, nurses, waitresses, bartenders,
    business owners, even college students and elementary
    school children face their own unique brand of
    “stressors” every day.

    From the doctor who must face the loss of a patient,
    to the waitress who must deal with cranky, complaining
    customers; even the third grader, who is faced with a
    battery of assessment tests, stress is a part of
    everyday life.

    There are many forms of stress management, from
    physical exercise to visualization techniques. A
    stress management program can include a hot, steamy
    bubble bath, or a long, luxurious massage.

    It can also include incorporate such techniques as
    acupuncture, acupressure, meditation, hypnosis (or
    self hypnosis) relaxation techniques and a realm of
    other programs or activities, uniquely tailored to fit
    the individual undertaking a stress reduction program.

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
    to buy now.


  • theopenmindedblogger 5:52 pm on August 30, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Visualization Techniques For Stress Management 

    Visualization techniques have been demonstrated to
    improve physical and mental health, speed the healing
    process, and effectively manage pain. They can also
    help prevent illness, reduce stress, and increase an
    individual’s overall health and well-being.

    Different visualization techniques can be used in the
    treatment of stress, and stress related illness. For
    general Stress Management, begin by identifying where
    in the body you feel the stress. Do you have muscle
    tension in the back and neck? Is your stomach
    “knotted”? Do you experience a dull or throbbing
    headache? Different people experience stress in
    different ways.

    Once you have identified where in the body you
    experience stress you can use visualization techniques
    to reduce the stress, as well as the physical symptoms
    and effects you experience while under stress.

    One useful visualization technique involves placing
    your hand over the affected area of your body. Breathe
    deeply, with your eyes closed. Feel your heart rate
    slow to a calm and steady pace.

    Visualize the stress in your mind as an image, with
    size shape and form. It may appear as a black ball
    which is located in the area of your body that you
    feel stress.

    It may also appear in another form, such as a square,
    circle, rectangle etc… As you concentrate on the image
    of the stress (which may or may not be accompanied by
    physical pain) visualize (or picture yourself) moving
    the image.

    It may not happen right away, but keep working at it,
    until you can get the image to move. Even the smallest
    movement is an accomplishment. As you begin to be able
    to move the image, be aware that you have control of
    it, and more importantly, know that IT does not have
    control over you.

    Visualize the image that symbolizes your stress moving
    further and further away from its original location,
    until eventually you are able to remove it completely
    from your body.

    Another technique along this same line is to visualize
    the stress you are feeling, and imagine that it is
    getting smaller, and smaller. Eventually the image
    will shrink to a tiny spot, and then disappear all
    together. This technique is very powerful in helping
    to manage the physical symptoms that result from

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
    to buy now.

  • theopenmindedblogger 5:29 pm on August 29, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    The Benefits Of Laughter In A Stress Management Program 

    Anatomy of Illness written by Norman Cousins, is a
    book based on the true story of how this man treated
    his own painful illness. Cousins had a theory that
    there was more to the old saying, Laughter is the best
    medicine, than many people realize.

    In modern times society has come to understand that
    stress has a negative impact on both physical and
    mental health. What is not as commonly understood is
    that laughter has many positive health benefits, which
    can counteract the negative affects of the stress

    Laughter increases the functioning of the immune
    system, helping the body to fight off illness and
    disease. Studies have demonstrated that laughter
    causes the increased production of catecholamines and
    endorphins. These chemicals, when released by the
    brain into the blood stream during laughter, increase
    feelings of happiness and well-being.

    Laughter also decreases the secretion of cortisol as
    well as the sedimentation rate, and therefore is
    beneficial in stimulating the body’s immune system.

    During laughter, the flow of Oxygen in the blood
    increases. Arteries relax, heart rate and blood
    temperature are lowered, circulation increases and the
    skin temperature rises. All of these physical
    responses have a beneficial effect on both
    cardiovascular and respiratory health.

    Laughter has the potential to help speed healing, and
    increase overall health and well-being, when it’s
    benefits are fully realized as a part of a stress
    management plan.

    While the average human being laughs approximately 8
    to 10 times daily, a stress management plan which
    includes laughter as a part of the daily program would
    include rigorous “laughing” as an exercise to be
    performed several times throughout the day.

    Full belly laughter, which is an involuntary response
    of the human brain, can be triggered by watching
    comedies, listening to comedians, telling jokes or
    just allowing oneself to participate in fun and silly

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
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    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
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  • theopenmindedblogger 5:25 pm on August 28, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Relaxation Techniques For Stress Management 

    The unhealthy affects of stress can be evidenced in
    physical as well as mental and emotional health
    problems. Besides heart and digestive problems, stress
    can contribute to overall muscle aches, stiffness and
    even pain.

    Relaxation techniques can help manage the affects of
    stress on the body as well as the mind. There are
    various techniques one can use to experience a state
    of relaxation and calmness, which require little time
    or effort on the part of the individual seeking to
    benefit from them.

    Here is one relaxation technique that many people have
    found beneficial in managing the level of stress they

    Stair Step Relaxation Technique

    Begin with a series of deep, cleansing breaths. Feel
    your body relax, as you slowly breath in and out. It
    can be helpful to imagine the tension and stress
    leaving your body as you exhale, while peace and calm
    fill you, as you inhale clean, fresh air.

    Once you have done this for a period of two to three
    minutes, begin to experience the tension leaving your
    muscles, one at a time.

    Once you are ready, picture yourself at the top of a
    flight of 10 stairs. Take one step down this set of
    stairs, and imagine that your body, your mind, and
    your spirit feel more relaxed, and more at ease as you
    reach this step. Say the number “One” as you descend.

    With each succeeding step you can experience a deeper
    and deeper state of calm and relaxation. As you
    descend upon each step say the corresponding number of
    the step you are on.

    When you reach 10, which is at the bottom of this set
    of steps, you will be entirely calm and relaxed. Any
    problems or worries you had will have vanished, and
    you will feel totally at peace.

    Once you have experienced this state for a moment or
    two, you will be ready to come back up the set of
    stairs. With each step that you climb, you will become
    a little more awake and alert to your surroundings.

    Your body and mind will remain at calm and at peace
    even after you return to the final step. You will feel
    renewed energy, and a renewed sense of purpose and
    joy, as you return to the top of the stairs.

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
    to buy now.

  • theopenmindedblogger 5:22 pm on August 27, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Identifying And Managing Stressors- Setting Limits 

    Part of a good Stress Management plan simply involves
    identifying the areas of stress in an individual’s
    life. Taking an objective look at circumstances and
    situations that may seem unmanageable, can be a
    helpful first step in dealing with stress.

    Once the areas that are causing the most stress have
    been identified, a plan to reduce the level of stress
    produced by each situation can begin to be formulated.

    Often situations which create a large amount of stress
    can be eliminated completely. For those stressors
    which cannot be entirely eliminated, a plan to better
    manage the situation, so that the amount of stress
    produced is decreased significantly, is often helpful
    in relieving the overall amount of stress the person
    is feeling.

    One of the most common sources of stress, for many
    people, is the habit that they have of not setting
    healthy limits on the amount of commitments they enter

    Overextending oneself creates undue stress, and
    generally leads to exhaustion, burn out, and
    inevitably, “failure” to fulfill many of ones
    obligations. This “failure” is often perceived by the
    individual as a personal “failure”, creating feelings
    of guilt, shame and poor self-esteem; feelings which
    inevitably contribute to the amount of stress the
    person experiences.

    An individual who has a tendency to over-commit may
    also be driven by a desire to “prove” themselves, or
    to “live up to” a certain standard which they have
    imposed upon themselves.

    Having rigid ideas about “success” and “failure” and
    demanding too much of oneself, contributes to the
    overall stress in the person’s life. Many times an
    individual has such a deep fear of failure, or a
    desperate need to “live up” that they refuse to set
    limits on their time, until health problems or other
    life events force them to do so.

    If an individual has a difficult time making necessary
    changes in their routine, or setting healthy limits
    for themselves, underlying causes of the behavior
    should be addressed. Consider what constitutes
    “success” and “failure.” How can ones point of view be
    altered, to allow some relief from the “rigid
    taskmaster” of self?

    What limits can be set comfortably? What obligations
    and commitments can be let go of? Simple questions
    such as these can go a long way toward helping
    identify the sources of stress, and creating a plan to
    reduce the affects of stress that stress a person’s

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
    to buy now.

  • theopenmindedblogger 5:18 pm on August 26, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Hypnosis And Stress Management 

    Part of a plan for Stress Management may include
    either hypnosis or self-hypnosis, as a way to reduce
    and eliminate the symptoms of stress. A person under
    hypnosis is experiencing a trance like state, which
    allows them to enter into either the “theta” or
    “delta” states of consciousness.

    These states are the equivalent of either light or
    deep sleep, and allow for the hypnotized person to
    experience an “altered state” of consciousness.

    Hypnosis can be effective in managing stress, whether
    the state of hypnosis is assisted by a licensed
    Hypno-therapist, or whether the state is induced by
    the person entering into the hypnotized state.

    Since many people are uncomfortable with the idea of
    being hypnotized by someone else, self hypnosis is
    often used as a part of a stress management plan.

    In order for self hypnosis to take place the
    individual must be in a comfortable position, and be
    free from outside distractions. The individual should
    begin with some relaxation techniques, such as deep
    breathing, followed by releasing any tension in the
    muscles, one at a time, beginning with the feet and
    toes, and proceeding over the entire body.

    When entering into a self hypnosis state the person is
    simply allowing the subconscious mind to take over,
    while the conscious mind enters into an “altered” or
    “quiet” state of being.

    In order for self hypnosis to be effective, the
    conscious mind should impart a “purpose” or “intent”
    to the subconscious, before the actual hypnotic state
    is achieved.

    It is also important to set a time limit on the
    hypnotic state, generally 15 to 20 minutes. The
    subconscious mind will respond to the suggestion, and
    cause the individual to return to the normal state of
    consciousness at the prescribed time.

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
    to buy now.

  • theopenmindedblogger 5:12 pm on August 25, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Developing A Stress Management Plan 

    A stress management plan does not necessarily require
    a lot of time and energy. Many times it is just making
    a commitment to reduce the level of stress in your
    life, by taking a few small, but meaningful, steps
    toward improving your overall health and well-being.

    A good place to begin your stress management plan is
    by identifying 5 activities that you really enjoy
    participating in. These can be anything from reading a
    good book, to taking a long walk on the beach.

    If you have hobbies that you enjoy spending time on,
    be sure to include these in your list. Other options
    could be things you have always wanted to do, but
    never got around to, or things that you used to enjoy,
    but haven’t had the time for lately.

    The one stipulation is that these are activities which
    are not related to work, or another source of stress
    in your life.

    Make a list of at least 2 things that you almost
    always do, that you either probably shouldn’t be
    doing, or can live without doing. This list can
    include things like bringing work home from the
    office, doing your teenagers laundry, cooking huge
    meals during the week, after working all day etc…

    These are things that will not cause the world to fall
    apart, if you stop doing them.

    Make a list of at least 2 things that you probably
    should have done by now, but didn’t. Things you have
    been putting off, or problems you have not been
    dealing with directly.

    If you’ve been meaning to call your insurance agent
    for the past few weeks, but haven’t, if you’ve been
    thinking about dusting the cob-webs on the front entry
    way for a month, but haven’t, write those things down.

    At this point your 3 lists will now become a goal
    sheet. Your stress management plan will look like this

    This week I will

    -Spend at least 15 minutes every day doing one of the
    things I enjoy. (List the 5 things you wrote earlier
    under this section.)

    -Eliminate 2 needless tasks from my list of things to
    do. (List the 2 things that you wrote earlier under
    this section.)

    -Tackle 2 things that I have been putting off for a
    while. (List the 2 things that your wrote earlier
    under this section.)

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
    to buy now.

  • theopenmindedblogger 5:09 pm on August 24, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Addressing Anxiety And Worry In A Stress Management Plan 

    Anxiety and worry are common sources of stress.
    Financial problems, health issues, family concerns,
    and a realm of other situations, can create an
    unhealthy amount of stress, when not addressed in a
    healthy manner.

    A person may choose to cope with these types of
    situations in a variety of healthy or unhealthy ways.
    From denying the problem altogether, to attempting to
    “run away” or “hide” from the problem, an individual’s
    unique set of coping skills can either increase of
    decrease the level of stress they experience.

    Denial is a common form of coping that many people
    employ to deal with life issues. Typically denial is a
    “coping skill” used by people in situations which
    present an unbearable amount of stress.

    This may happen in alcoholic families, domestic
    violence relationships, even in people facing severe
    illness or death. A person in denial simply says
    “Everything is fine” and “Nothing is wrong.”

    Attempting to run away or hide from a stressful life
    event is evident in those who use drugs or alcohol to
    “escape”, as well as those who simply “avoid” the
    problem. The individual who works too much, or the
    teenager who stays away from home for days at a time,
    are people attempting to escape the problem.

    Procrastination can be a sign of worry and anxiety.
    Fear of “what will happen” if the person does face the
    problem, can lead to “putting off the inevitable.”
    This type of behavior also contributes to stress, as
    the unseen and unknown are often larger, in the mind,
    than in the situation.

    Facing things head on may be difficult, but it is the
    healthiest way to handle situations that create worry,
    fear or anxiety. Getting answers, instead of
    speculating, and addressing problems, instead of
    denying, hiding or running away from them, is the only
    way to reduce the stress caused by these types of

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
    to buy now.

  • theopenmindedblogger 5:07 pm on August 23, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Acupuncture And Tai Chi For Stress Management 

    Acupuncture and tai chi are methods which many people
    believe can help to release the flow of energy
    throughout the body.

    These ancient forms of health
    care are becoming more and more commonly used in the
    western hemisphere, as people realize the benefits to
    their health and well-being.

    In a study conducted at Yale University Medical School
    in the 1990’s acupuncture was demonstrated to
    significantly reduce stress.

    The study showed that the
    technique succeeded in lowering blood pressure,
    anxiety state, heart rate and electrodermal activities
    in the majority of test subjects.

    In a second study, published in 1998, acupuncture was
    successful in treating 85.7 percent of test subjects
    with General Anxiety Disorder.

    Acupuncture is considered a holistic medicine, and
    those who are treated generally experience no side
    effects. This is in stark contrast to the many side
    effects often experienced by patients taking
    prescription medications to reduce the affects anxiety
    and stress.

    While acupuncture requires the use of very small, fine
    needles applied to specific areas of the body, tai chi
    is a non-invasive form of acupuncture, which requires
    no needles to be effective.

    Both procedures have been shown to reduce the presence
    of certain chemicals in the body which are produced at
    high levels during periods of stress. Additionally
    these procedures help to optimize nerve transmissions
    along the spine, and stimulate the internal organs,
    increasing their ability to function properly.

    To find a licensed and certified acupuncture therapist
    visit the “National Certification Commission for
    Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine” on the web.

    I am selling this ebook
    “Stress Less” for $7 to $20
    dollars only. Send me a
    quick message at
    successfulmarketingstrategy if you want
    to buy now.


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